Monday, February 2, 2009

Too Much Grief and Loneliness Can Really Cause You to Get Sick

At first I thought that I can and will only see it in the movies until I was able to experience it myself. What I am talking about is what this post tells about people who are in too much pain, grief or loneliness who get sick. In the movies, these people even die unexpectedly.

Today, I just saw it happen in real life and what's interesting is that I saw it in myself. It's been years since any of us three in the family had been sick. In fact I cannot even remember when it was and I am glad about that and thankful to God. Health has always been our most precious treasure and I am glad we live to it until something happened to me.

This incident made me feel really bad today. It made me feel I was not loved and I do not intend to burst it out here, just some warning to those who don't realize how important it is for a loved one to feel happy and loved and important.

I do not know what it is in me today because just the other day, my parents visited us here in our humble home, the three of us, me my daughter and my wife but since that day, nothing has ever been the same to me. Something changed the chemistry of my mood and my body. The other day, I felt very sad being take for granted, left and no one to talk to. My daughter is in school and my wife hasn't arrived yet.

I wanted to spare the time to fully talk it our with someone but not even my life partner is there. I felt really very sad. Sad that it was enough to cause me to go sick in a matter of hours. That night I drank a little brandy and slept smelling like a drunkard in the street. I didn't drink that much, just a few shots enough to make me sober and then right after I went to bad, I started to feel different.

That was when sickness is on its way and in the morning when I woke up, being able to sleep barely 3 hours only because of another incident caused by neighbors. In short, I got sick I almost feel like I wanted to lie in bed the whole day but no, I have to work. I'm not sure if the person responsible for this loneliness knows about it nor cares how I feel today. Beyond my sad face and sickly look nursing a cold that yesterday was miles away but today is here it seem to stay.

I know I could get over this but I am not sure when. I am talking about the sickness in my heart and not in my body. Tonight I am trying hard to fight it and how I wish it would all just go away. It's been too much yesterday and today, I'm not sure. I just feel sad, down and fallen. I kept myself on focus and did what I have to do to work and earn my back my pride that this loneliness seem to have killed and taken away in mudslide.

I'm not sure but all I know is that I will get over this but how is just another question. The very first few seconds that a person so happy all the time in me, people will never see a touch of smile, all angst in a questioning gesture of my face, why. I am always a happy man who loves to kiss in the cheek and loves to kiss and get kissed when someone I love leaves or arrives at home but that day, yesterday was the worst day of my life. After so many triumphs, that day yesterday was all Guinness Book of World Records to me so you can only imagine how I look and how I really feel sad. I've never felt so neglected and unimportant my whole until yesterday came.

Well, I do not know how long this post will be as I try to make the title look so deceivingly different from me and what I wanted to put there. As if someone else's but the truth is if anyone will read this post, I'd rather have its title as "How Lonely a Happy Man Can Be".

Just imagine, me, not even as deep as an inch in my tears knowing that I am a man have been made so lonely that I cannot pour down a single drop of my tear today or even yesterday? Imagine that and if you could, I'd probably give you one of my most precious stuff here in this blog - my name or even a blog review..... but no. I bet if you only knew that, you will never get any of my offers. That is how lonely I am since yesterday. I hope I get over this soon. I'm not used to nursing cough all of a sudden.


  1. :( I'm sorry. God bless you.

  2. Who ever this is or if this is you saying sorry, I don't need it here. Not this time and definitely not here. I'm not interested in useless words anymore because I have seen this many times and I've grown tired of understanding why.

    Again, if this is you, I don't need this, I don't want this and definitely I don't like this. It's up to you now to find the key.
